I met my 2 brothers and my father yesterday as I went home to my family's house as our beloved next door neighbour died. After the funeral we went back to our house and talked about the whole area of teaching. I got to say, holidays wise, teachers have a great life. They get holidays at Christmas, easter and summer not to mind the two mid term breaks between summer and xmas and xmas and summer. Man what a life! But it gets better!
My brother Vinny has about 22 hours of classes every week. Now for the rest of society, its normally a 40 hour week, not for teachers ! And the best part is that he only has 2 nine o'clock starts every week, the rest are at 10. Thats an extra hour lie in 3 days a week.
The best part though has to be the summer holidays. They get a whopping 3 months off. A lot of secondary school teachers here in Ireland up sticks in the summer and head over to somewhere like France or Italy to spend the summer months with family. Thats cool.
I discussed the teachers I had when I was there around 10 years ago. All the same teachers are still there and I told dad who in my opinion were the best teachers in the school.We both agreed who were the best teachers and all of them had the same trait, there was always discipline in their classrooms. I mean, you never were able to mess in their classes. You wouldn't get away with it.
In the bad teachers classes, you would. This made me start to think about the whole area of network marketing. People always talk about desire to ensure the growth of your MLM business but I think discipline or persistence is just as important. You see, if you have discipline in how you run your business, your odds for making it big multiply ten-fold. You have to start by taking action but its the discipline you have that ultimately ensures your financial freedom.
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