95% of owning your home business or network marketing enterprise success is your mindset.Yes of course there are additional skill sets to master. i.e. Marketing & Communication.
However, in order for you to stay in the game long enough and gain the necessary skills sets for your enterprise it is extremely important need to continually invest in yourself You are the CEO of your life and your enterprise. Your most valuable asset that you can enhance is your mind. You have so much talent that is and will be developed by applying the 5 ways to increase the value in yourself.
There are 5 great daily habits you can incorporate into your life today. Make a decision to weave these habits into your life. Start off small and then increase the time in each category. An example of starting small is investing 5-10 minutes in each area and then increasing the time. Do not try to take on each area and too much time. It is better to increase the time and speed as you go along.
1.) Dream
It is easy to lose sight of your dreams if you do not continuously focus on them. Have your dream board in front of you, have books of homes and vacations surrounding you. Cut out pictures of yourself and your family and put it all over your future pictures. Take time every morning and evening for 10-15 minutes and visualize yourself living in your future today. Feel your future today.
See yourself being with your family during the day full time, taking 3 vacations a year, driving around country in a motor home, traveling the world, fine dining, having the time and money freedom. Define what is important to you and keep the pictures in front of you. This will assist you to press on when you are figuring out the technical side of your business. Commit to being a lifetime dreamer and never give up. Your dreams are your fuel for your tank to propel forward. Challenges are inevitable. However your dreams will fuel you to the live life on your terms.
2.) Books – Books – Books
Read, Read, Read – Read as much as possible. Decide in the beginning of the week which books you are committed to getting through by the end of the week. Are you reading 1, 2 or 3 books this week? Take each book and the number of pages, then divide the number of pages by 7 and commit to getting through each section before going to sleep that night. This habit will change your life. You cannot help but move on the outside when you are changing on the inside.
It is easy to neglect this habit while you are working on your marketing and other aspects of your business. However this one of the most important consistent habits that will change your life. Remember start small. If you are not used to reading start off by reading 10 pages a night. It is great to read first thing in the morning and right before you are going to sleep.
3.) Audios – Audios - Audios
Audios in addition to books will add to your lifetime education. Your mind is so powerful and so important to feed. You are what you feed your mind and you definitely become what you think about.
Commit to listening to one audio cd daily. Make a decision to listen to an audio. Add this to your routine. You do not necessarily have to set a side one hour. You can listen to an audio while you are getting ready in the morning, working out, driving your car or while you are doing things around the house. It is amazing how you can turn an activity that you are currently doing into a productive growth hour of your day.
4.) Association
Since you are in the home based industry or network marketing you are used to hearing that you should be careful of your association. You will become like the 5 people you surround yourself by. Negativity can be draining. Be careful of close friends and family that try to steal your dreams. It is important to be very alert and aware of the people you are surrounded by. Of course you cannot completely eliminate all the negative people in your life. However, you can eliminate the time you spend with certain friends if they are draining. Be careful of dream stealers.
Remember your mind is powerful and it is important to have dreamers and big thinkers in your life. This is critical especially if you work from home. Make sure you have a like-minded group/environment. You are your environment. Design your environment with powerful, incredible, uplifting friends and big thinkers.
5.) Seminars – Seminars – Seminars
In addition to your company functions and events decide in the beginning of the year how many seminars you will attend. Make a decision once that books, cds and seminars will be a part of your growth plan.
Find local seminars or schedule flying out a few times a year to attend seminars. It will pay big dividends in the long run. Your life will dramatically change when you invest in yourself. As T. Harv Eker would say invest a certain percentage of your income into your education including books, cds and seminars.
You are the CEO of your life and your business. You have the ability to increase your value in yourself which will dramatically increase the value you offer to your others. You have the potential to change and impact hundreds and thousands of lives. Make a decision today to make these principles and habits a part of your everyday life.
Make a decision to stand for something great and live the life of your dreams. You deserve to have a life of abundance.
Commit to these habits and your life will dramatically change over the next few years. Change, growth and success is a journey, not a destination. The changes in your life including your income and lifestyle are a direct proportion the change, growth, and value in yourself.
Commit and make a decision today that you will make it happen and live the life of your dreams.
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